In this digital age it’s important to stand out from the competition. Producing high quality printing helps your company get the professional edge and win more business. First impressions count! Presenting material you can be proud of is definitely going to get you noticed but outsourcing production is time consuming and an expensive chore.
So if outsourcing is not a desirable option the answer must lie in-house. Or does it? SME’s often express that an A3 and/or a colour printer is just too expensive to purchase for the average office and in-house printing is therefore not an option. These days though, it is possible to find an affordable colour printer that can meet your professional needs in house.
The cost verses benefits of in-house A4 and A3 colour printing, are not obvious until we look a little closer so in this article we will explore the possibility of printing professional quality A4 AND A3 colour prints in-house to generate more business.
Contrary to popular belief, printing in house is very likely to not only save you money but in most cases also generate more business to so in turn it makes you money.
Consider These 5 Benefits:
1. STAND OUT from your competition
Professional quality brochures, presentations and other documents will help to grow your business.
2. Brand Awareness
First impressions count. When customers see your marketing and other printed material, you are introducing yourself to them and showing them what to expect from you. The quality of your printed materials should reflect the quality of your business, product or service. It will continue to “sell” your company long after your sales person has left your customers (or prospective customers) premises.
3. Gain Control
By taking printing in-house, you can control when and how you print rather than waiting at the end of the queue for a printing house to get to your job. Another benefit is that you also don’t have to order large quantities of pre-printed stock (and risk redundancy of information) to keep unit costs down.
4. Cost
A major consideration in taking the step to produce your own professional quality prints is that the cost of printing in-house can be as low as $5.00 per day. This is a considerable saving when compared with engaging the services of a professional printer.
5. Increase In Productivity
Imagine how much more work can be completed, if high quality prints were available from a mobile device your graphic artist has just emailed the final proof to.
The key though is to ensure the device you are printing from allows your staff flexibility and mobility. Your members of staff will want to be able to set their print jobs to their specific needs and pick it up from a convenient spot. Finding a compact printing solution that provides these benefits AND produces professional quality output will allow your office to enjoy the best of both worlds.
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