Orion Print Management Blog

Managed Print Solutions: How Much is Printing Costing You?

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Printing is an essential part of most business’ workflows, but it can also be one of the hardest areas to track and control associated costs. Fortunately, Managed Print Solutions (MPS) addresses some of the costliest elements of a print strategy and can provide up to a 30 percent reduction in print expenses.

Consider the following business printing scenarios and their corresponding MPS solutions.

•    Lost and abandoned print jobs — Distractions are everywhere, and in a humming office print jobs are easily forgotten or accidentally sent to the wrong device.
MPS Solution: Pull-printing. With access cards or personal print codes, documents aren’t printed until the owner is at the printer to receive them—improving security and reducing unnecessary output.

•    Wasteful departmental printing habits — How much of your printing is front side of the page only? Is colour used when it’s not needed?
MPS Solution: System-wide defaults. From draft mode to black-and-white to duplex printing, cost-saving defaults automate frugal printing behaviour.

•    Rogue individual users — Maybe a few of your team members print every single email, or a few may misuse the company printer for personal needs.
MPS Solution: Assign machines, use print logs, and implement individual usage caps. The insights provided by MPS help identify and reduce costly print habits and streamline individual workflows.

•    Over-printing to meet minimums — Minimum print quantities at many print shops can leave you with boxes of unused, outdated materials.
MPS Solution: Print on demand. Robust in-house printing capabilities can be tailored to your specific printing needs and enable you to print only the number of copies you need, when you need them.

•    Tied-up capital — Printers, scanners, and copiers can build up in an office over time. How much money is trapped in devices you don’t truly need, taking up space you can’t use?
MPS Solution: Fleet optimization and leasing. When you have the right number of the right devices, every dollar is put to best use, and no space or capital is wasted on offsite or in-house storage. Additionally, leasing your equipment helps with cash flow, while providing access to top technologies.

•    Lost productivity — Your staff has better things to do with their time than order supplies, troubleshoot errors, and maintain machines.
MPS Solution: Managed Print Services! This is the core of MPS—taking care of your printing needs so your team can focus on the work that brings your business real value.

If you don’t know exactly how much printing is costing you, it’s definitely time to find out. Contact Orion Print Management to see how much you’re spending on printing, and learn how much Managed Print Solutions can save your business!

Arthur GhelisManaged Print Solutions: How Much is Printing Costing You?

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