“Sustainability” is more than just a buzzword for businesses. More companies are realising the advantages of operating in an environmentally sustainable manner, especially when it comes to printing. Paper waste not only depletes natural resources, but it also costs businesses money annually.
Sustainability initiatives like PrintReleaf offer a way for businesses to curb paper waste and reduce their reliance on natural resources and save money in the process. The following explains one such approach to sustainability that many companies are adopting.
How PrintReleaf Works
PrintReleaf offers a way for businesses to reduce costs through sustainable printing while at the same time giving back to the environment. The subscription-based software platform works by monitoring paper consumption on-demand across all connected devices.
The results are tabulated at the end of each ball and converted via proprietary formula into the number of trees that are likely to have been harvested for paper consumption. The resulting cumulative paper footprint is offset across the company’s network of global reforestation projects. The entire process is overseen from start to finish by SGS International, a third-party certifying body.
How It Benefits Your Business
PrintReleaf allows you to continuously track paper consumption, giving your business an idea of where it stands in regards to office waste. Companies can harness this information to reduce the amount of waste created within the office space—an eco-conscious move that could help your company save a significant amount of money over the long run.
By equating printing to forest impact, PrintReleaf allows companies to visualise their environmental footprint in a meaningful and productive way. This service offers an ideal solution for businesses looking to reaffirm their commitment to sustainability.
How It Benefits the Environment
PrintReleaf supports a number of reforestation projects around the world, each one certified and audited by SGS International. You can even choose where your next trees are to be reforested. You can also use the service’s portal to track your reforested trees’ progress over an eight-year period.
With over 50 soccer fields’ worth of forest being lost to logging and other man-made activities each minute, PrintReleaf promotes ecological restoration among businesses while encouraging greener behavior among employees. Each restoration project also provides new jobs to local communities in need.
Contact Orion today and discover how to implement this service and to learn more about how it can benefit both your office and the environment.